The 11th Summer School on Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web
5 - 11 July, 2015
University Residential Center
Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy
The groundbreaking SSSW series of summer schools started in 2003. It is now a well-established event within the
research community and a role model for several other initiatives. After 10 years in Cercedilla, Spain, SSSW is coming back
in 2015 to a new location – Bertinoro, Italy – and a new programme centred on research and the open challenges facing
the semantic web and the related technologies. As always, the summer school includes lectures, invited talks,
practical research work and projects, led by a set of tutors comprising leading researchers in the community and prestigious
invited speakers. SSSW also represents a unique opportunity for networking with research and industry leaders
(including former students of the school), including of course, an exciting social programme in one of the most beautiful
locations in Italy.
Topics include
- (Linked) Data Workflows
- Web Data Management
- Knowledge Discovery
- Knowledge Extraction
- Sense-Making
- Cognitive/Human Computing
- Semantic Web Applications
- Semantic Web Technologies
- Semantic Web Research Methods