Important Dates
- 01-Mar-2009 - Registration Opens
- 15-Apr-2009 - Registration Closes
- 01-May-2009 - Notification of Acceptance
- 01-Jun-2009 - Deadline for Payments
- 05-Jul-2009 - Arrival of Participants
- 06-Jul-2009 - Summer School Starts
- 11-Jul-2009 - Summer School Ends
- Tutorial and invited talk videos are now online (see invited speakers and turors)
- Tutorial and invited talk slides are now online (see invited speakers and turors)
- The list of invited talks is online
- The Programme of SSSW09 is online
Enrico Motta (Director, Founder and Assistant Tutor)
Prof. Enrico Motta is Professor in Knowledge Technologies and Former Director (2000 -2007) of the Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) at the Open University in UK. Prof. Motta has a Laurea in Computer Science from the University of Pisa in Italy and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the Open University. Prof. Motta is one of the leading scientists in the world in the new field of the semantic web, which can be seen as a large scale web of data, able to support large scale machine interoperability, thus enabling novel intelligent functionalities for locating and dynamically aggregating information on the web. Over the years, Prof. Motta has obtained over £6M in research funding and has led KMi's contribution to numerous high-profile projects, such as the highly prestigious, EPSRC-funded Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration on Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT), as well as several EU-funded ones, most recently NeOn, X-Media, and Open Knowledge. Prof. Motta is Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Human Computer Studies and is also on the editorial board of IEEE Intelligent Systems and the Journal of Web Semantics. He founded the ground-breaking European Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web, which is now in its seventh edition. He is the author of 180 refereed publications. These include the book, Reusable Components for Knowledge Modelling, which is published by IOS Press. Prof Motta also chaired the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2004) and was the Programme Chair of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005).
Asun Gomez-Perez (Co-Director and Tutor)
Prof. Asunción Gómez-Pérez is Professor at the Univ. Politécnica de Madrid and director or the OEG at UPM. She has a B.A. in Computer Science (1990), M.S.C. on Knowledge Engineering (1991), Ph.D. in Computer Sciences (1993) and MS.C. on Business Administration (1994). She was visiting (1994-1995) the Knowledge Systems Laboratory at Stanford University. She also was the Executive Director (1995-1998) of the Artificial Intelligent Laboratory at the School.
The most representative projects she is participating are: SEEMP (FP6-23747), NeOn (FP6-027595), OntoGrid (FP6-511513) as project coordinator, Knowledge Web NoE (Fp6-507482) acting as Scientific Vice-director, Esperonto (IST-2001-34373), the OntoWeb (IST-2000-25056) thematic network, and also the MKBEEM (IST-1999-10589) project.
She has published more than 150 papers on the above issues. She has led several national and international projects related with ontologies and the semantic web funded by various institutions and/or companies related. She is author of one book on Ontological Engineering and co-author of a book on Knowledge Engineering.
She has been codirector of the summer school on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. She was program chair of ESWC'05 and was of EKAW'02. She has been co-organizer of the workshops and conferences on ontologies at ECAI-04, IJCAI-03, ECAI-02, IJCAI-01, ECAI-00, IJCAI-99, ECAI-98, SSS-97 and ECAI-96. She has tought tutorials on Ontological Engineering at the summer schools.
Website | Email
Mathieu d'Aquin (Vice-Director and Tutor)
Dr. Mathieu d'Aquin is a researcher at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University (United Kingdom). He obtained a PhD from the University of Nancy, France, where he worked on real-life applications of semantic technologies to medical knowledge management and decision support. As a member of the EU Integrated Project NeOn, his main research interests concern techniques such as modularization and alignment for ontology management, as well as infrastructures to support the development of next generation Semantic Web applications (the Watson Semantic Web search engine). As such, Mathieu is involved in the development of several Semantic Web applications, covering various topics (e.g. ontology building, ontology alignment, semantic search) and domains.
Oscar Corcho (Vice-Director)
Oscar Corcho, PhD, is a lecturer at Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informica de Madrid (UPM). He belongs to the Ontology Engineering Group at UPM. Previously, he worked as a Marie Curie research fellow at the University of Manchester, and was a research manager at iSOCO. He holds a degree in Computer Science, an MSc in Software Engineering and a PhD in Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence from UPM. He was awarded the Third National Award by the Spanish Ministry of Education in 2001.
His research activities are focused on Semantic Grid, Semantic Web and Ontological Engineering. He has participated in a number of EU projects in these areas: SemsorGrid4Env, ADMIRE, OntoGrid, Esperonto, DIP, HOPS, SWWS, Knowledge Web, OntoWeb and MKBEEM, and has also participated in the HALO project, funded by Vulcan Inc. He has published two books and more than 50 papers in journals, conferences and workshops. He usually participates in the organisation or in the programme committees of relevant international conferences and workshops.