Dr Claudia d’Amato is a research assistant at the University of Bari – Computer Science Department. She obtained her PhD in 2007 from the University of Bari, Italy, defending the thesis titled “Similarity Based Learning Methods for th Semantic Web. She pioneered the research on Machine Learning methods for ontology mining that still represents her main research interest. During her research activity she won several best paper awards. She is member of the editorial board of the Semantic Web Journal. She served/is serving as Program Chair at ESWC 2014, Vice-Chair at ISWC’09, Machine Learning Track Co-Chair at ESWC’12-’13, PhD Symposium chair at ESWC’15 and Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chair at ISWC’12, EKAW’12, ICSC’12. She served/is serving as a program committee member of a number of international conferences in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Semantic Web such as AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, ECML, ISWC, WWW, ESWC. She was also co-organizers of the International Workshop on Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning on the Semantic Web at ESCW’09-’11 and the International Uncertainty Reasoning Workshop at ISCW’07-’11.
Aldo Gangemi is professor at LIPN, University Paris 13 (Sorbonne Paris Cité, CNRS UMR 7030), and makes research at Italian National Research Council, Rome. He has founded and directed the Semantic Technology Lab (STLab) of ISTC-CNR since 2008 (he previously co-founded the Applied Ontology Lab in Trento). His research focuses on Semantic Technologies as an integration of methods from Knowledge Engineering, the Semantic Web, Linked Data, Cognitive Science, and Natural Language Processing. His theoretical interests concentrate upon the representation and discovery of knowledge patterns across data, ontology, natural language, and cognition. Applications domains include Medicine, Law, eGovernment, Agriculture and Fishery, Business, and Cultural Heritage. He has published more than 200 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, conferences and books, and seats as EB member of international journals (Semantic Web, Applied Ontology, J. of Web Semantics), as conference chair (LREC2006, EKAW2008, WWW2015), and advisory committee member for international organizations. He has worked in the EU projects: Galen, WonderWeb, OntoWeb, Metokis, NeOn, BONy, IKS, and MARIO.